Krynn - The Banal Age


Welcome to Solamnia

The Banal Era, 350 years after The Great Cataclysm tore asunder the very fabric of existence, erasing the divine and the draconic from reality.

The ingenuity of the gnomes, undimmed by The Cataclysm, has given birth to a new era of technological marvels. Steam and steel blended with the arcane.

With no more divine influence , Solamnia's societal tapestry was rewoven. The once-fragmented races of humans, elves, halflings, orcs, and kender have found a harmonious co-existence, freed from the manipulations of their now absent gods.

The Solamnic Knights, paragons of honor and duty, stand as the unflinching guardians of peace. Forsaking personal claims to power, these knights embody an unwavering commitment to justice, serving as a beacon of hope and stability in a world still healing from its past wounds.

The Government Solamnia is comprised of three equal branches:

  • The House of Lords; Representatives from the noble class, who still own m ost of the land and soldiers.

  • The Grandes Solamnic Parliaments consists of local Representatives elected by the people to serve in Provincial and Federal capitals. It is worth noting that the Solamnic knights are funded by the Parliament and sworn to honor and protect it's decisions.

  • The Arcane Triumvirate are the third branch, one representative from each tower. These three are the only magic wielders allowed in government.

In the arcane spheres, the Towers of High Sorcery reign Absolute. These custodians of magical knowledge wield their authority with a solemn gravity, ensuring that the arcane remains a controlled, respected force. Mages, bound by the Towers' edicts, are stripped of land, title, or office, their presence in banal courts a subtle reminder of the balance between political and raw power.

Transformed by necessity, the Order of Clerics, once divine emissaries, now traverse a world devoid of their gods. From their stronghold in the Cleric's Tower, amidst the Kender-controlled Western Plains, they have adapted to their new role as legal solicitors, notaries, and arbiters, their sacred rituals replaced by the intricacies of contract and law.

It is in this waxing era of anarcho-technical wonders, that the winds suddenly shift, carrying with them rumours of dark powers rising in the East…